Block 30 IJburg, Amsterdam
The urban development plan for IJburg consists of a simple grid of streets and avenues lined semi-closed housing blocks. Block 30 is situated in the centre of this grid, and comprises not only housing, but also a primary school and a telecom exchange. This telecom exchange, designed by Herman Zeinstra, was the first building om IJburg. Starting point for the urban design for block 30 was that children needed safe and green areas to play in. All the house are placed on the edges of the block, with the exception of a few special units, which are set back from the edge towards the inner courtyard. Along with the school and the telecom exchange these house lend the courtyard its special form. This park with its playground, common green, paths and private gardens provide the residents plenty opportunities to garden and play.
Architect: Liesbeth van der Pol
Team: H. Zeinstra , M. Fredriks, G. Trevetin, I. Yashkin, V. Struben, H. Wegman
Number: 0013
Status: Built
Year: 2000 - 2005
Client: Waterstad 3
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