
We listen carefully to the wishes and desires of the client. Collaborating closely with a team of experts and within the restrictions of a limited budget we are able to translate a special vision on education into a sustainable building; this is the strength of our building of schools.


Liesbeth van der Pol

+31 20 3449721

Primary school Reitdiep, Groningen - DOK architecten Primary school Reitdiep, Groningen
Coornhert Lyceum, Haarlem - DOK architecten Coornhert Lyceum, Haarlem
Wyckerpoort, Maastricht - DOK architecten Wyckerpoort, Maastricht
Focusschool, Haarlem - DOK architecten Focusschool, Haarlem
OPDC Saenstroom, Wormerveer - DOK architecten OPDC Saenstroom, Wormerveer
De Brug Training Centre, Assendelft - DOK architecten De Brug Training Centre, Assendelft
Childcentre Rivierenwijk, Deventer - DOK architecten Childcentre Rivierenwijk, Deventer
OBS Olympusschool, Amsterdam - DOK architecten OBS Olympusschool, Amsterdam
Community School The Frog, Amsterdam - DOK architecten Community School The Frog, Amsterdam
Liesbeth van der Pol Liesbeth van der Pol
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