Kruidenveld, Apeldoorn
The ten residential houses have been designed for a local property developer and building contractor. In developers language, 'semi-detached' portrays a certain quality: half a house for the price of one. This house with two roofs, more space and more nooks and crannies, rather deserves 'double-detached' as its description. The house with a main house and rear house, plus an extension, presents several perspectives. From the front - where the main entrance is situated - it is a formal, high, narrow house, with a large glazed bay beside it. At the rear, very informally, is the living area with its low roof and large, sliding picture window facing directly onto the garden. Between the rear dwellings, deeply hidden, there is even a courtyard that brings the daylight deep into the house. The surface details of the red walls and roofs emphasise the outline of the prototypical house.
Architect: Herman Zeinstra
Team: E. Haagen, J.J. Roeten
Number: 9410
Status: Built
Year: 1994 - 1997
Client: Draisma, Apeldoorn
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