Police station, Dronten
No one goes to a police station for the fun of it - you end up there either because you're suspected of committing a crime or because you're the victim of one. It's a place of refuge, or a place to confront authority. It is this combination of safety and power that characterizes the new police station. Two sides of the building slope towards each other dramatically, enclosing a light-filled entrance hall which marks the crossing point of all the functions taking place in the building. From the outside the building looks heavy, but the atmosphere when you enter the building is one of openness and light. The building has a clear organisation. All the public areas are on the ground floor, leading off the main hall. The various security zones are separated from one another by semi-transparant glass walls. The other administrative functions are housed on the other floors, opening on to a gallery which links up directly with the entrance hall.
Architect: Liesbeth van der Pol
Category: Utility buildings
Team: J.J. Roeten, M. Fredriks, M. de Vries
Number: 9413
Status: Built
Year: 1994 - 1999
Client: Regio Politie, Flevoland
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