Van Tijenbuurt, Amsterdam
Within the urban development plan (KCAP) for the redevelopment of the Van Tijenbuurt in Amsterdam-West, Liesbeth van der Pol designed one of the three distinctive buildings set to be constructed there. This versatile and multi-oriented building showcases character while maintaining a strong connection with the neighborhood. The nine-story building, located at the corner of Troelstralaan and Savornin Lohmanstraat, forms the head of a semi-closed block, which also includes family homes and a south-facing communal garden. The building accommodates 48 social rental units, including 24 senior-friendly apartments. These apartments will have a communal space fully oriented toward the collective garden. The ground floor offers space for commercial units, oriented toward the street sides.
The design prioritizes residential quality. All apartments have dual orientations, maximizing sunlight and views. The use of high-quality materials and consistent detailing around the building contributes to its multi-faceted character. The detailed window designs and rounded forms give the building a distinct identity. In terms of materials and color, the building aligns with both the new and existing structures in the neighborhood, creating a sense of familiarity and community.
Architect: Liesbeth van der Pol
Team: J.J. Roeten, V. Struben, E. Verwijnen, I. Koning
Number: 0617
Status: Built
Year: 2006 - 2010
Client: Delta Forte BV
Please download the project PDF for more info about this project.